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The Crowns SERIES
An Epic Romantic Fantasy by Nicola Tyche
Kingdoms rise. Kingdoms fall. Alliances are formed. And broken. In Nicola Tyche’s epic romantic fantasy series, heavy the head that wears the crown.
The kingdom of Mercia has been at war with the Shadow King and his dark army for ten long years. To escape the seer’s vision of her capture, Mercia’s heir to the throne, Princess Norah Andell, is secreted away by her father to keep her safe. But when he dies in battle, so too dies the knowledge of where she’s hidden. She’s lost to the world—until three years later, when she’s found with no memory of who she is or the kingdom that now rests on her shoulders.
Norah is thrust into a world she doesn’t know, in a role she’s unprepared for, to save a kingdom she doesn’t remember. With limited food and resources to withstand the coming winter and a dark enemy against them, Mercia is on the verge of breaking. As things start to unravel, Norah is drawn down a path of twisted fate—and it could cost her everything.
And Mercia isn’t the only kingdom on the precipice.
The Crowns epic saga weaves a complex political web between realms, between allies and enemies—old and new—where one’s enemy isn’t the only threat to one’s reign. This is a story of love, a story of hate, a story of triumph, and loss. Crowns is the constant struggle between duty and heart, and how much someone is willing to sacrifice for those they love.
Crowns is an adult fantasy series and contains mature themes and content, including: violence and death (primarily in fighting/battle settings), attempted assault, explicit (consensual) intimacy, mild language

Consists of four kingdoms: Praetoria, Songs, Eilor, and the capital kingdom of Aleon
Ruler: Phillip, brother to King Gregor of Japheth
Capital City: Valour
Color: Blue
Sigil or Symbol: Lion surrounded by four stars
Also includes the kingdom of Hetahl
Ruler: Gregor, brother to King Phillip of Aleon
Capital City: Valour
Color: Green
Sigil or Symbol: Lion surrounded by six stars
Includes the mountains of Bahoul
Ruler: Mikael Ratha Shal
Capital City: Ashan
Color: Black
Sigil or Symbol: Sun
Also known as ‘the North’ or ‘the Northern Kingdom’
Ruler: Norah Elizabeth Andell
Capital City: Capital Isle
Color: White
Sigil or Symbol: Winterhawk
Ruler: Tagasi Kai
Capital City: Saraka
Color: Red and yellow
Sigil or Symbol: Diagonal line with crowns on either side
Ruler: Monarch Menali Mesal
Capital City: Port-au-Mesal
Color: White, gold, and blue
Sigil or Symbol: Hull
Ruler: Cyrus the Usurper
Capital City: Cairn
Color: Red
Sigil or Symbol: Short Sword
Ruler: Milar Cevain
Capital City: Perthe
Color: Gold
Sigil or Symbol: Tiger
Pronunciation Guide
Abilash: Horseman king (A-bi-lash)
Aamon: King Aamon of Mercia: Norah’s father (AY-muhn)
Aaron: Mercian guard (AIR-uhn)
Aman Arvedi: Sevina’s father (uh-MAHN ahr-VED-ee)
Adrian: Alexander’s brother (AY-dree-uhn)
Alastair: Mercian council member (al-uh-STAIR)
Alexander Rhemus: the Bear; Mercian lord justice (a-luhg-ZAN-dur REEM-us)
Alke (AL-kee)
Allan: Evangeline’s father (AL-luhn)
Amet (Ah-met)
Analil: Salara-Mae, Mikael’s mother (an-uh-LEEL)
Anderson: Mercian soldier (AND-er-sun)
Ando (AHN-doh)
Artem: captain of the Kharavian Crest (ar-TEM)
Aston: brother of Phillip and Gregor (A-stuhn)
Augustan: Calla and Cohen’s father (au-guh-STAN)
Austus: first mate of the Norah (AH-stus)
Beurnat Rhemus: “Beurnat the Bear”, Adrian and Alexander’s father (byur-NAHT REEM-us)
Bhasim: the Kharavian seer of Odepeth (BAH-seem)
Bhastian: guard of the Crest (BAS-tee-en)
Boshtok: son of Totekah (BAHSH-tahk)
Bosley: Mercian noble (BAHZ-lee)
Branton: Mercian noble (BRAN-tuhn)
Bremhad: Kiran’s father (breh-MAHD)
Bullo (BULL-oh)
Cade (KAID)
Callamine, “Calla”: Cohen’s sister (KA-luh, CA-luh-mine)
Caspian Frey: captain of the Mercian guard (KAS-pee-uhn FRAY)
Catherine Andell: Norah’s grandmother, queen regent of Mercia (KATH-er-en an-DELL)
Cavaatsa: Soren’s dog (ka-VAHT-suh)
Charles: Mercian council member (CHAR-lz)
Coca Otay: chief of the Uru (KOH-kuh OH-tay)
Cohen: Calla’s brother (KOH-en)
Cusco: Soren’s dog (KOO-sko)
Cyrus: king of Rael (SIE-rus)
Daniel: Mercian guard (DAN-yuhl)
Dartan: Ismene’s father (dar-TAHN)
Edward: Mercian council member (ED-wuhrd)
Elias: Mercian council member (eh-LIE-us)
Esther: wife of Nemus (ES-ter)
Evangeline: Norah’s second cousin (ee-VAN-jeh-leen)
Evanya: Norah’s mother (eh-VAHN-yuh)
Gregor: king of Japheth: brother of Phillip and Aston (GREG-ohr)
Hagen: first king of Mercia (HAH-gehn)
Hakah: Horsemen god (HAH-kuh)
Hamed: Calla and Cohen’s grandfather (HAH-mehd)
Hammel: Mercian god (HAM-muhl)
Henricus: Mercian council member (HEN-rih-kus)
Heta: an ex-wife of Mikael’s, daughter of Narsing (HEH-tuh)
Horath: high king of the Aleon Empire, Phillip’s father (HOHR-ath)
Ismene (iz-MEEN)
Jaiah: king of Aviron (JIE-uh)
James: Mercian council member (jaymz)
Javed: guard of the Crest (JAH-ved)
Jeord: prince of Osan (jyord)
Jude: Alexander’s servant (JEWD)
Katya Sator: captain of the Kharavian army (KAHT-yuh suh-TOHR)
Kelos: Mercian god (KEE-lohs)
Kiku: white fox of the Wild (KEE-koo)
Kiran: guard of the Crest (KEER-an)
Lethos: Naavi’s horse of the Wild (LETH-ohs)
Liaman: Mercian guard (LEE-uh-mehn)
Lucien: Adrian and Alexander’s late brother (LOO-shen)
Marta: Calla and Cohen’s grandmother (MAR-tuh)
Massey: runs the Mercian castle’s kitchen (MASS-ee)
Mathias: King Phillip’s grandfather (muh-THIE-us)
Mikael Ratha Shal: the Kharavian king, the Shadow King (mi-KALE RAH-thuh shahl
Milar: king of Serra (MIE-lahr)
Misa: Calla and Cohen’s mother (MEE-suh)
Myral: Mikael’s ex-wife (MIE-ruhl)
Naavi: of the Wild, Sana’s sister (NAH-vee)
Narsing: a Kharavian noble (NAHR-sing)
Nemus: the Mercian traveler seer (NEE-mus)
Norah Elizabeth Andell: queen of Mercia, the North Queen (NOHR-uh ee-LIZ-uh-beth an-DELL
Orrid: usurped king of Rael (OR-rihd)
Phillip: King Phillip of Aleon (FIL-ip)
Rasha: Mikael’s ex-wife (RAH-shuh)
Rebecca: Mercian maid (re-BEK-uh)
Rhalstad Ratha Shal: late salar of Kharav, Mikael’s father (RAHL-stahd RAH-thuh shahl)
Salara-Mae: Mikael’s mother (suh-LAH-ruh may)
Sana: of the Wild, Naavi’s sister (SAH-nuh)
Salta Tau; mastera of the ink; ink mastera (SALT-uh tauw)
Samuel: Mercian seer (SAM-yuhl)
Savan (SAHV-uhn)
Savantahla: the spirit of the wild (SAHV-uhn-TAH-luh)
Semaine: Mercian lord (seh-MANE)
Sephir: Norah’s mare (seh-FEER)
Serene: Norah’s maid, from Mercia (ser-EEN)
Sevina Arvedi: Adrian’s wife (seh-VEEN-uh ahr-VED-ee)
the Shoen: Horsemen tribe (shone)
Sonal: guard of the Crest (so-NAHL)
Soren: “the Destroyer”, Kharavian lord commander (SOAR-en)
Surat (sur-AHT)
Tagasi: king of Osan (tuh-GAH-see)
Tahla Otay: of the Urun Horsemen tribe, Chief Coca Otay’s daughter (TAH-luh OH-tay)
Theander: Mercian captain of the Norah (THEE-an-dur)
Theisen Arvedi Rhemus: Adrian and Sevina’s son (THEE-sen)
Titus: Mercian guardsman (TIE-tus)
Totekah: chief of the Kartan, father of Boshtok (TOE-teh-kah)
Tusten (TUS-ten)
Tyrhar Nazim: Soren’s late father, prior captain of the Crest and lord of Bahoul (tihr-AHR nah-ZEEM)
Umai: Horsemen goddess (oo-MIE)
the Uru (adj. – Urun): the largest of the Horsemen tribes (OO-roo, OO-roon)
Vasil: Soren’s training captain (vah-SEEL)
Vimal: Mikael’s servant (vih-MAHL)
Vitalia: Norah’s maid (vih-TAH-lee-uh)
Aleon: capital kingdom of the Aleon Empire (AY-lee-on)
Ashan: capital city of Kharav (uh-SHAHN)
the Atolean Sea (uh-TOEL-ee-uhn)
Aviron: kingdom destroyed by Kharav (A-vi-ron)
Bahoul: Kharavian stronghold (bah-HOOL)
Basrah: in Kharav (BAHZ-ruh)
Caan (kahn)
Choan: kingdom destroyed by Kharav (chone)
Damask: in Mercia (da-MASK)
Eilor: the most southern kingdom of the Aleon Empire (EYE-lore)
Elam: kingdom (EE-lahm)
Etreus: kingdom (EE-tree-us)
Hava Lake: in Kharav (HAH-vuh)
Hetahl: kingdom absorbed into Japheth (heh-TAHL)
Japheth: kingdom (JAH-feth)
the Kartan: Horsemen tribe (kahr-TAHN)
Kharav; “the Shadowlands” (adj. – Kharavian): kingdom (Ka-RAHV)
Kolkar (KOHL-kahr)
Lorys: kingdom (LOHR-is)
Mercia: “the North” kingdom (mer-SEE-uh)
Moray: a Mercian township (MORE-ay)
Nestrana: kingdom across the Aged Sea from Kharav (nes-TRAHN-uh)
Odepeth: city of the seer in eastern Kharav (OH-deh-peth)
Osan: kingdom (OH-sahn)
Praetoria: kingdom of Aleon (preh-TOAR-ee-uh)
Pryam: kingdom across the Aged Sea from Kharav (PREE-um)
Rael (adj. – Raelean): kingdom (RIE-el)
Serra: slaver’s kingdom (SEHR-uh)
Tarsus (adj. – Tarsen): island kingdom (TAHR-sus, TAHR-sen)
Valour: capital city of both the Aleon kingdom and Aleon Empire (va-LURE)
the Aether: (ETH-er)
adda trees: (ADD-uh)
alhilat: Kharavian word - false spring (al-hih-LAHT)
“Allameade”: Mercian dance (all-uh-MEED)
amah: Kharavian word- grandmother: (AH-ma)
apah: Kharavian word - grandfather (AH-pa)
corian: root (KOHR-ee-uhn)
dauo: vegetable (dow)
isarium: flower (ih-SAIR-ee-um)
judisaept: council room (joo-dih-sept)
karo: fish (KAIR-oh)
khlavik: mark of salar (KLAH-vik)
lacies: a flower (LAY-seez)
mastera; ink mastera (mas-TEHR-ra)
mortite: rock (MOAR-tite)
mortium: mortuary (MOAR-tee-um)
oleiden: plant (oh-LIE-den)
peoly: sea creature with shell (pee-OH-lee)
rhine: flower (rine)
salar: Kharavian word - king (sa-LAHR)
salara: Kharavian word - queen (sa-LAHR-uh)
septimana: measure of time (sep-tih-MAH-nuh)
serium: plant (SEER-ee-um)
sol: Horsemen word of exclamation (sole)
torith: plant (TOAR-ith)
tresantha: plant (tres-AN-thuh)
More On Each Book
North Queen
Book 1, Crowns
Shadow Queen
Book 2, Crowns
War Queen
Book 3, Crowns